EV-Dot network

EV Dot

An overview of the EV Dot charging network

EV Dot network costs

EV Dot logo

Membership cost: None

Charging cost: 24p - 79p per kWh depending on charger type and location.

To discover how much it will cost to charge an EV from an EV Dot charge point, head to Zapmap’s Public Charging Calculator. This allows you to select any new or used plug-in vehicle, and tailor elements – such as electricity cost and charge required – for personalised results.


How to use EV Dot charge points

Access to the EV Dot network is made via the network’s smartphone app or RFID card/fob. Payment is then taken from a credit or debit card linked to the customer’s account after the charging session is complete.


Where are EV Dot charge points located?

All EV Dot points can be found on Zapmap by using the network filter. This can be used on the desktop and mobile apps, and displays only those points operated by EV Dot.

Charging types and speeds can be filtered too, showing only those points that are compatible with users’ cars.

Select 'Filters' -> 'Networks' -> 'EV Dot' to view only EV Dot charge points.


Contact Details

Helpline: 0333 7736 023 

Email: info@ev-dot.com

Further information can be found on the EV Dot (BMM) website.


How does EV Dot compare to other networks in terms of pricing?

Zapmap monitors the prices of charging on the public network and reports on the prices charged by the top 10* rapid charging networks. The prices are updated on a monthly basis here: Rapid Charging: Top 10 Network Pricing

The price to charge an electric vehicle (EV) on the public charging network can vary substantively, and prices are increasing due to current issues in the energy market.
Updated on a monthly basis, the Zapmap Price Index shows the difference in prices paid depending on the type of charger and will also track how this is changing over time.


EV Dot workplace EV charging


About EV Dot

Owned and operated by BMM Networks, EV Dot uses a Clenergy EV back-office system. EV Dot has taken over InCharge operated networks in Norfolk and Kent, after the Swedish energy company withdrew its EV charging network operations from the UK.