The following are Open Source licences which are used on both our IOS and Android mobile applications.
IOS Attributions
- LGPlusButtonView
- MMDrawerController
- RATreeView
- AFNetworking
- SDWebImage
- OAStackView
- MBProgressHUD
- BEMCheckBox
- AJWValidator
- AutoLinearLayoutView
- RadioButton-iOS
- Toast for iOS
- RSKImageCropper
- EAIntroView
- NYTPhotoViewer
- AFNetworkingActivityLogger
- Material-components-iOS
- JSONModel
- Firebase
- Alamofire
- Adyen
- DSGradientProgressView
- RxSwift
- SwiftKeychainWrapper
The following are Open Source licences which are used by the iOS app on the server side.
- Apache Tomcat
- OpenJDK 8
- Project Jersey
- Apache Maven
- Google Maps Services for Java
- SL4J
- Sentry Java Client
- SpyMemcached
- Retrofit 2
- Google Maps SDK licenses
Android Attributions
The following are Open Source licences which are used within the Android app.
- Android Open Source Project
- Picasso
- Gson
- SL4J
- Android maps Utils
- GraphView
- RoundedImageVeiw
- EventBus
- Material Dialogs
- Android Floating Action Button
- Welcome Android
- Android image cropper
- Pcasso 2 OkHttp 3 Downloader
- PhotoView
- Butterknife
- libphonenumber-android
- BigImageViewer
- Android Architecture Components
- Android Support Library
- Retrofit 2
- OKHttp
The following are Open Source licences which are used by the Android app on the server side.
- Apache Tomcat
- OpenJDK 8
- Project Jersey
- Apache Maven
- Google Maps Services for Java
- SL4J
- Sentry Java Client
- SpyMemcached
- Retrofit 2
- Google Maps SDK licenses
Web Map Attributions
The following are Open Source licences which are used within the Web map.
- Babel Plugin Module Resolver
- Brotli Gzip Webpack Plugin
- Enzyme
- Raw Loader
- Sinon
- Babel
- Material UI
- SVGr
- Bootstrap
- Brotli
- Case Sensitive Paths
- Chalk
- CryptoJS
- CSS Loader
- Deep Merge
- Docker Compose
- DotEnv
- EJS Render Loader
- ESLint
- File Loader
- Firebase
- Focus Trap React
- Fork TS Checker Webpack Plugin (alt)
- EX Extra
- HTML Webpack Plugin
- Identity Obj Proxy
- Jest
- jQuery
- Kotlin JS
- Lodash
- Mini CSS Extract Plugin
- Moment
- Nanoid
- Node SASS
- Optimize CSS Assets Webpack Plugin
- PNP Webpack Plugin
- PostCSS
- Prop Types
- RavenJS
- RC Slider
- React
- Redux
- Resolve
- SASS Loader
- Style Loader
- Styled Components
- Terser Webpack Plugin
- URL Loader
- Webpack
- WhatWG Fetch
- Workbox Webpack Plugin
- Zlib